What Is The Best Way To Learn The Piano?

In reality, the best way to learn the piano is to start with the fundamentals and build around them: learn to read music fluently, learn the piano keys, learn proper technique, learn chords and basic theory, then use that chord knowledge to play by ear. It also helps to have an 88 key keyboard.

But you’ll need a competent piano teacher in Westchester to cover all of those bases, and not everyone has that opportunity -- so what more is there to know about learning the piano? Can you learn without a teacher, can you learn on your own, and what materials should you use?

We’ll discuss this topic in more detail below, and as always, if you’re interested in piano lessons in person or online, please get in touch.

What Is The Best Method To Learn the Piano?

“Piano methods” are progressive instructional methods compiled to help beginners and early intermediate pianists learn. There are method series for young kids, older kids, adults, and group settings, and they all take a different approach to learning.

So if you are trying to learn the piano, which method should you use? Faber is the most popular piano method right now, and for good reason -- they teach the fundamental aspects of piano at a reasonable pace, have interesting teaching pieces that are appropriate for each skill level, and combine, technique, theory, and note reading into lessons.

Alfred offers an adult piano method used by students around the world, and it effectively lays out beginning piano material in a way that’s appropriate for an adult mind.

Aside from those, there are many piano methods to choose from, and that’s where a local teacher comes in - we’ve studied these methods, and we can help you choose the right one. Truthfully, methods should only be used to supplement piano learning -- you’ll learn faster when you study with an experienced piano teacher.

How Can I Learn To Play The Piano By Myself?

Yes, you most certainly can. But be aware of the drawbacks:

  • It will take you longer than if you work with a teacher

  • There will be holes in your learning

  • You may get discouraged when you “hit a wall,” so to speak

  • You may not have a point of reference for knowing if your progress is slow, fast, or normal

  • You will probably be a one-dimensional pianist; it is extremely difficult to teach yourself the trifecta of how to read well, play with good technique, and play by ear

If you must teach yourself piano on your own, start by learning to read notes in both the treble and bass clef on the staff, then learn the piano keys.

As you learn that information, you can practice what you are learning by playing five-finger scales on the piano; as you learn all of the notes, you can expand to full octave scales. Also practice your reading by sight reading very basic melodies one hand at a time, and when you gain confidence, try playing with both hands together.

Once you learn the notes, you can start learning chords and keys (both major and minor) - this will allow you to follow lead sheets and play your favorite songs.

After you’ve spent enough time on the above material, you’ll be able to learn basic piano music and play some tunes by ear. If you want to start moving on to the next level, you may want to consider working with a piano instructor.

What Is The Best Way To Learn Piano Online?

Online piano lessons are a great option for students who don’t have access to a good teacher (or during a global health crisis!), and with video chat technology and wifi speeds where they are now, you should be able to have a great lesson experience. You should definitely try finding a local or non-local teacher who is offering live online lessons and find a time when you can log into Skype and take a traditional piano lesson.

If you want to follow an online course, you can subscribe to a number of relatively cheap programs. The drawback is that these products are mass-produced, and they won’t be tailored to your unique goals or needs. The good thing is that these products often have a clear-cut list of deliverables: for instance, they may promise that you’ll be able to read music by the end of the first month, or you’ll be able to play x number of songs by ear.

Another drawback is that you won’t become a well-rounded, independent pianist. Without a foundation from a real piano teacher, you may not have the skills to find music, sight read it, and learn it on your own. Furthermore, you may not understand the fundamentals of theory and chords, thereby limiting your ability to play by ear or compose.

In Sum: What’s the Best Way To Learn?

Learn the piano slowly, carefully, comprehensively, and patiently. Don’t cut corners, and don’t expect to play serious music right off the bat - it can take a few years of lessons to be a dynamic, fluent pianist. It’s absolutely worth the investment of time, though, and few things are as rewarding as being able to play the piano.

If you have any questions about piano lessons in White Plains, your goals, or how long it will take you to reach them, please contact me. I’d love to hear from you.

David Long